Estate Planning: Well, this is something NOBODY likes to talk about, but it is about ensuring that your loved ones are taken care of. First and foremost, everyone needs a Will. If you don’t have one, talk with us to make sure you are on the right track to set up your estate, then get one. While online services can provide you with a quick an easy Will, we recommend consulting with an attorney who specializes in Wills and to have yours drafted.
This document will stand as your final wish for how you want your estate to be handled. Don’t rely on people to remember what you said: memories fade and emotions sometimes get the better of people, plus you’re not around anymore to object! So no more fooling around, make the call today.
Your Will is only one part of your estate planning and contrary to what most people think you don’t need to be among the super-wealthy to have one. Your Will can address potential probate issues, but can also set up trusts that can dictate how your assets can be used after you pass.
Since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act became effective in 2018 raising the taxable estate figure to $12,920,000 (2023 amount), estate tax is less of an issue for the middle class who were, in some cases, paying up to 60% of their estate back to the government in the form of these taxes.
Whether your estate is over the current exemption amount or not as large, planning ahead can save your loved ones a lot of taxes, heartache and trouble. We can review the ownership of your assets, the use of beneficiaries and the potential use of trusts either created by your estate or prior to your death to protect your assets, and ensure your legacy continues in accordance with your wishes.
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